Novi Put

Novi Put

Association “New Road”
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"Novi put" awarded 2022 Stop Slavery Hero Award by the Thomson Reuters Foundation

We're so proud to have won the Stop Slavery Hero Award by the Thomson Reuters Foundation for our crucial work helping stamp out exploitation.

It's an honour to be celebrated by the Thomson Reuters Foundation alongside other pioneers that have made it their mission to end slavery.

Association „Novi put“ has won the global 2022 Stop Slavery Hero Award of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. The Stop Slavery Award is an annual initiative led by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, a UK-registered charity that recognizes and celebrates those dedicated to combating all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking.
This award was established to recognize organizations from around the world who have made a significant impact in the fight to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking, one of the most important humanitarian issues in the world.

The Thomson Reuters Foundation - Stop Slavery Award is considered one of the most important global recognitions in the field of humanitarian work and media.

This is another important international recognition that the NGO "Novi put" received for its engagement in the field of protection of women's and children's rights and prevention of human trafficking. We remind you that the Association "Novi put", as the only organization from BaH, has already received the prestigious international award for combating child trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, which was presented to them by H.E. Queen Silvia of Sweden at the suggestion of the Swedish Foundation "Child10" in 2021.

More details about the award can be found at

Award of certificates after internship at the Counseling Center of “Novi put”

Today we awarded certificates for the first group of 10 final-year students of psychology, social work, law, sociology and related studies, who completed a 3-month internship at the Counseling Center of the Association, where we have been providing free-of-charge direct assistance to potential and genuine victims of human trafficking, contemporary slavery, gender-based violence and child abuse. During the internship, the interns acquired practical knowledge and skills in organizing the work of a counseling center, manners and methods of direct work with clients, which will enable them to apply the already acquired knowledge in practice.

The internship was one of the activities implemented within our project "Prevention of gender-based violence in Herzegovina Neretva Canton and West Herzegovina Canton".

We thank our interns for their engagement and commitment during the internship.

“This Project was funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State”.

Project "Prevention of gender-based violence in Herzegovina Neretva Canton and West Herzegovina Canton"

Association "Novi put" implements the project "Prevention of gender-based violence in Herzegovina Neretva Canton and West Herzegovina Canton" as of 1 July, 2021. The project aims to raise awareness about the issue of gender-based violence among women, men and youth.

During the street campaigns, we share the information and distribute materials we created for this project to raise awareness of gender-based violence and human trafficking, combat gender stereotypes among young people and the general public, and to ultimately contribute to reducing gender-based violence and trafficking in women. and girls.

As part of the project, a video was recorded, which marked the beginning of our campaign on the occasion of 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.

20 final-year students of psychology, social work, law, sociology and related studies completed a 3-month internship at the Counseling Center of the Association. During the internship, the interns acquired practical knowledge and skills in organizing the work of a counseling center, manners and methods of direct work with clients, which will enable them to apply the already acquired knowledge in practice.


As part of the project, we are organizing workshops for women with the aim of raising awareness about all forms of gender-based violence and human trafficking and encouraging women to report any form of violence.

Our Help Line is available to anyone who wants to report violence or ask for help, and in our free counseling we provide professional psycho-social and legal assistance to victims of all forms of violence and human trafficking.


In the coming period, we will continue with the implementation of all planned activities, and if you want to get involved, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at +387 36 988 022.



“This Project was funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State”.


Association „Novi put“ from Mostar is one of only three nominees from around the world for the world-renowned Thomson Reuters Foundation - Stop Slavery Hero Award 2022.


"Novi put" is the only non-governmental organization from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also from Europe, which was shortlisted for this prestigious award. In addition to "Novi put", two other NGOs from India were nominated. The shortlisted candidates were chosen from more than 150 entries received this year from more than 30 countries.  


The Stop Slavery Award is an annual initiative led by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, a UK-registered charity that recognizes and celebrates those dedicated to combating all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking.


„Novi put“ has been shortlisted for the Stop Slavery Hero Award 2022. This award was established to recognize organizations from around the world who have made a significant impact in the fight to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking, one of the most important humanitarian issues in the world.


The Thomson Reuters Foundation - Stop Slavery Award will be presented at the gala ceremony in London on April 28, 2022, when all the winners will be officially announced. The Award ceremony will be hosted by the world-renowned law firm Baker McKenzie, based in London.


The Thomson Reuters Foundation - Stop Slavery Award is considered one of the most important global recognitions in the field of humanitarian work and media.


This is another important international recognition that the NGO "Novi put" received for its engagement in the field of protection of women's and children's rights and prevention of human trafficking. We remind you that the Association "Novi put", as the only organization from BaH, has already received the prestigious international award for combating child trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, which was presented to them by H.E. Queen Silvia of Sweden at the suggestion of the Swedish Foundation "Child10" in 2021.  

Child10 2021 Awardees Best practice Report

A child rights-based approach (CRBA) is grounded in general human rights principles and standards as well as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and is integral to designing programs and policies that affect children. It echoes the needs and rights of children as awarded to them by virtue of being children and human beings.

Provision of direct support to the victims of contemporary forms of slavery

Association „Novi put“ has started with the implementation of the project titled „Provision of direct support to the victims of contemporary forms of slavery”, supported by the UNHCHR.

During the project implementation, direct psychological, social and legal assistance will be provided to victims of all forms of contemporary slavery.

Direct assistance to victims of all forms of contemporary slavery is very important for their reintegration, especially due to still worsened situation in the light of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Challenging gender stereotypes and advancing gender equality objectives in news media organizations

“Novi put” implemented the project that aimed to enhance the capacity of news media organizations to produce content that clearly challenges gender stereotypes and to advance gender equality objectives.

During the project implementation advocacy and awareness materials were distributed among all stakeholders and target groups, as well as available online[1].

A working group was established whose members produced Guidelines for media reporting on women and girls[2], as well as 15 newspaper/online articles and radio broadcasts based on the collected in-depth qualitative and quantitative data and used the content to lobby news media to adopt and implement reporting guidelines and gender ethic codes. The Guidelines and the Lobbying document were sent out to all news media organizations and uploaded on the fb and web pages of “Novi put”.

Three (3) interactive workshops were held for a total of 58 beneficiaries (B&H editors, journalists and representatives of social justice and gender justice CSOs) active in the project focus areas aimed at enhancing the capacity of news media organizations to produce content that clearly challenges gender stereotypes and advances gender equality objectives.

15 workshops were held throughout B&H for a total 352 participants representatives of media audience aimed at initiating them to hold their news media accountable for professionalism in journalism through fair, balanced and accurate portrayal of women, minority and marginalized groups with respect to reporting on the project focus areas.

A Public Awareness Raising Action and Outreach Campaigns throughout B&H were held targeting the general public.

The project tackled the obvious underrepresentation of females in news media stories by presenting tangible data that had been obtained earlier. All events organized were used to also identify ways in which B&H media could contribute to promotion of NGO activities, advocacy and awareness raising and on the other hand the news media would be able to use expertise and findings of NGOs while reporting about topics NGOs have been dealing with.

During all project events “Novi put” staff emphasized the role of media in creating prevailing images about perception of women in the society, and the fact that the media outlets are also very responsible for creating or breaking gender stereotypes.





Awareness raising campaign on trafficking in children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Association „Novi put“ has implemented a project "Awareness raising campaign on trafficking in children in Bosnia and Herzegovina ", which is being implemented within the joint program of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022" and the project " Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina ”, with the support of the European Union and the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the members of the“ RING ”network.

The aim of this project is to raise public awareness of the risks and all forms of child trafficking among children and youth, their families, guardians, homes for children without parental care, competent institutions, as well as preventing and reducing the risk of all forms of child trafficking in B&H, through networking of the non-governmental and governmental sectors and increasing the awareness of citizens and the general public. Special attention is paid to raising awareness of all forms of child trafficking among the Roma population.

 The project was implemented from 1.2.2021 to 31.07.2021. in Sarajevo Canton, Herzegovina Neretva Canton, West Herzegovina Canton, Zenica-Doboj Canton, Tuzla Canton, southern, north, north-east parts of the RS, Banja Luka region.

Prevention of gender-based violence in HNC and WHC

Association "Novi put" is implementing the project "Prevention of gender-based violence in HNC and WHC" with the support of Embassy of USA to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The project aims to promote favorable social norms and attitudes to promote gender equality and prevent discrimination of and violence against women and result in achieving zero tolerance for GBV by involving Roma and non-Roma women, men, representatives of relevant GOs and NGOs, journalists, university students and general public.

GMMP 2020 National Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) is the world’s longest-running and most extensive research on gender in the news media. The research was
designed to capture a snapshot of gender on one “ordinary”’ news day in the world news media. An ordinary news day is defined as one in which the news agenda contains the run-of-the-mill mix of stories, everyday articles on politics, economy, social issues, crime and other issues.

Contact Info

  • Association “New Road”
  • Adema Buća 10, 88000 Mostar, B&H
  • tel:+387 36988022
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.