Novi Put

Novi Put

Association “New Road”
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2018 Trust Conference

Novi put representative attended the 2018 Trust Conference hosted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation in November 2018. The Conference gathered frontline defenders and human rights activists from across the world and was committed to fining real solutions to fight slavery, empower women and advance human rights worldwide.

Novi put participated at the Human Rights Defenders World Summit 2018

The endeavours of Novi put staff to prevent and combat human trafficking and to advance fundamental rights and create more just and inclusive society were recognized globally and a representative of the Association was invited to take part at the Human Rights Defenders World Summit 2018 that was held in Paris in October 2018.

International Platform Expert Meeting on Human Trafficking

Representatives of the association Novi put attended the NGO Platform meeting, International Platform expert meeting and training on early identification, protection and safe return of victims of human trafficking that was held in Sophia, Bulgaria in October 2018.

Prevention of Human Trafficking and Child abuse through internet in Herzegovina Neretva Canton and Sarajevo Canton

In 2018 Novi put completed implementation of a project titled “Prevention of Human Trafficking and Child abuse through internet in Herzegovina Neretva Canton and Sarajevo Canton“ that was funded by the State Secretariat for Migration SEM of the Swiss Confederation. During the project implementation a survey among 2300 elementary school and secondary school students from Herzegovina Neretva Canton and Sarajevo Canton was carried out aimed at gathering information from the grassroots about the current situation related to child abuse through internet and trafficking in human beings. Prevention and Education team was holding lectures and workshops for students, parents, teachers and general public through the said Cantons aimed at awareness raising about ways of protection from child abuse on internet and THB. The events were used to inform the participants about the methods of recruitment of girls for purpose of production of pornographic materials. Abuse of girls by their own boyfriends was also tackled at all awareness raising events and the fact that public posting of explicit photos by boyfriends very often result in publishing those photos on pornographic web sites. During grass-root campaigns information and promotional materials were distributed through face-to-face approach in the aforementioned towns and their respective rural communities, during the street campaigns as well as to representatives of relevant institutions. The Help Line for reporting actual and potential THB cases, provision of initial psychological assistance and further referral, as well as providing information on safe migration was in function during the project implementation. The project activities and goals were  The project was also presented at two major events – the European Anti-Trafficking Day held in October 2017 and the Safe Internet Day held in February 2018 that gathered ES students, but also parents and representatives of numerous relevant institutions. The Project and its activities attracted attention of lot of news media. The media coverage significantly contributed to awareness raising about the issue of THB and promotion of project activities, especially when it comes to the Help Line.

Learn how to protect yourself! STOP child abuse and human trafficking!

Association Novi put implemented the project “Learn how to protect yourself! STOP child abuse and human trafficking!” funded by the US Embassy to B&H. The project was focused on awarness raising activities targeting the voulnerable categories aimed at reduction of number of trafficked people B&H citizens and victims of child abuse through internet, empowering of potential/genuine victims of THB to seek assistance, as well as strengthening of capacities of relevant anti-trafficking institutions and streamlining of anti-trafficking initiatives and efforts.

Protection of rights of children victims of abuse, pedophilia and begging in Herzegovina Neretva canton, West Herzegovina Canton and Sarajevo Canton

In 2017 the Association „Novi put“ implemented the Project "Protection of  rights of children victims of abuse, pedophilia and begging in Herzegovina Neretva canton, West Herzegovina Canton and Sarajevo Canton", which was financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science. Project activities were designed to empower children to seek assistance and protection in case of violations of their rights, and to provide psychological and counseling assistance to children victims of violence and to their parents, directly and through the helpline. During the implementation of project activities that involved around 1100 direct and over 3500 indirect beneficiaries, campaigns were launched to raise public awareness of the child abuse issue, the consequences for children and ways to prevent this phenomenon.

HopeOn Regional Anti-Trafficking Campaign

HopeOn is a regional campaign that unites partners across the Western Balkans region who are dedicated to eradication of this criminal offence and brings attention of the wider public to this issue. This campaign is supported by the NGPs from Serbia (Unitas Fond, Atina, ASTRA), Albanija (Arsis, Different and equal, Qendra Psiko-Sociale "Vatra"), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Novi put and Nova Generacija), Croatia (Centar za žene žrtve rata, Udruga Let and Centar za nestalu i zlostavljenu decu), Macedonia (La strada-Open gate and Centar za građansku inicijativ), Montenegro (Kancelarija za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima i Sigurna ženska kuća), and Slovenia (Karistas). United we can!

Awareness Raising Campaign on Human Trafficking in Sarajevo Canton and Zenica Doboj Canton

In the period February-October 2018 the Association “Novi put” implemented the Awareness Raising Campaign on Human Trafficking in Sarajevo Canton (SC) and Zenica Doboj Canton (ZDC) with the Swiss Caritas with support of NGO Step by Step Sarajevo and NGO Leda Zenica. The activities included implementation of an awareness campaign on human trafficking among students at selected elementary and secondary schools in Canton Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Canton for a total of 113 students, 190 parents, teachers, school councillors and social workers. 2 seminars for 50 staff of the elementary and secondary schools were held. During the project implementation outreach work and street awareness raising campaigns were held in Sarajevo Canton and Zenica-Doboj Canton.

The project implementation was closed by marking the European Anti-Trafficking Day by a street campaign in Sarajevo. All project activities were designed and implemented aimed at awareness raising and informing project beneficiaries about the issue of human trafficking, manners of recruitment by traffickers, ways for protection but also to empower them to ask for assistance in case of being exposed to any form of human trafficking. to empower them to ask for assistance in case of being exposed to due to the relevance of the issue of human trafficking, all project activities were covered by many electronic and print news media.

Contact Info

  • Association “New Road”
  • Adema Buća 10, 88000 Mostar, B&H
  • tel:+387 36988022
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.